Upcoming Construction Projects

South Main Street & Soda Bay Road Rehabilitation Projects
These are two contiguous projects located just south of the Lakeport City limits. The South Main Street Rehabilitation Project is on South Main from the southern city limit of Lakeport to the Route 175 extension, where South Main Street turns into Soda Bay Road. The Soda Bay Road Rehabilitation project is on Soda Bay Road, beginning at the Route 175 extension and continuing to Manning Creek. These projects will improve traffic flow and safety for motorists and bicyclists; improve access to businesses along the corridor; rehabilitate deficient pavement; improve roadway surface drainage; and underground the existing overhead utility poles within the Underground District Boundary. These projects are funded through a combination of STIP and local funds.

East Lake Elementary Safe Routes to School Project
The primary objective of this project is to enhance a section of State Route 20 and Foothill Boulevard to provide safe pedestrian walkways, cross walk, bike lanes, and solar street lights for Eastlake Elementary School students. The project is centered on the Eastlake Elementary School in the community of Clearlake Oaks. Improvements along Highway 20 will begin at Keys Boulevard to the east and will end at Foothill Boulevard on the west; improvements will run along 500 feet of Foothill Boulevard from the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Highway 20 to the Clear Lake Oaks Plaza. This project is funded with State and Federal Safe Routes to School funds and Community Development Block Grant funds and construction is set to begin in April of 2018.

Konocti Road Sidewalks and Crosswalks
This project will construct new curb, gutter, sidewalks, curb ramps, and crosswalks along the south side of Konocti Road between Cole Creek and Oak Hills Lane in the community of Kelseyville. These improvements will provide a safe path of travel for the students at Kelseyville Elementary and Mountain Vista Middle Schools. This project is currently funded with State Safe Route to School funds.

Upper Lake Pedestrian Improvements
This project will provide for the design and construction of approximately 915 lineal feet of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Government Street, First Street, and Second Street, in the unincorporated town of Upper Lake. These improvements will help close gaps and provide a continuous, accessible route for students and residents to and from the Upper Lake Schools facilities. The County of Lake was successful in acquiring funding for this project in Cycle 2 of the Active Transportation Program.
Completed Projects
Phillips Avenue Improvements
This project is located on Phillips Avenue between 18th Avenue and 40th Avenue in the City of Clearlake and was completed in 2017. Construction included rehabilitation of the existing roadway, providing two 11-foot travel lanes, and the installation of 4-foot wide Class II bike lanes on each side of the road. The City of Clearlake was successful in acquiring funding for this project through an Active Transportation Program Cycle 1 grant and a Community Development Block Grant through the State of California.

Phillips Avenue/Dam Road Extension to 18th Avenue
This project is located in the City of Clearlake and will construct a roadway approximately 1,300 feet long, connecting South Center Drive to 18th Avenue. The purpose of the Dam Road Extension to 18th Avenue is to provide a north-south connection parallel to State Route (SR) 53 that will improve traffic circulation on the east side of SR 53 through the City of Clearlake. This project was identified in the State Route 53 Corridor Study and will attract approximately 6,300 vehicles per day. This project is being funded by the City’s Measure V funds.

Middletown Multi-Use Path
This project will construct a Class I multi-use path adjacent to State Route 29 in the community of Middletown, between Rancheria Road and Central Park Road. The new facility will provide a safe alternative to State Route 29 and will close an effective gap in non-motorized facilities. This project was listed as a high priority project south of town in the Middletown Community Action Plan. The Lake APC was successful in acquiring funding for this project in Cycle 2 of the Active Transportation Program.

Lake 29 Expressway
This project, located between the communities of Lower Lake and Kelseyville, will convert an 8-mile stretch of conventional highway to a 4-lane Expressway. The project has been divided into three segments in order of construction from north to south: Segment 2C, Segment 2B, and Segment 2A. Segment 2C is funded through construction and Segments 2A and 2B are funded through the design phase. This project is currently funded through a combination of STIP and SHOPP funds. More information on this project can be found on the Caltrans project page.

Caltrans Lake 20/53 Intersection Improvement Project
Caltrans is working on a safety improvement project at the intersection of SR 20 and SR 53 that will replace the existing partially stop-controlled intersection with a roundabout. Three existing bypass lanes will be maintained by overlaying existing pavement. The project will construct the new circulatory roadway along with new approaches and exits. This project is funded through the SHOPP and is set to go to construction in the summer of 2018.

Lake 29/Hartmann Road Intersection Improvement Project
Caltrans is working on a safety improvement project at the intersection of SR 29 and Hartmann Road that will replace the existing stop-controlled intersection with a roundabout. The new circulatory roadway will modify the existing approaches and exits. This project is funded through the SHOPP and is set to go to construction in the summer of 2018.

Dam Road Extension Roundabout
This project is located in the City of Clearlake at the intersection of Dam Road and Dam Road Extension, approximately 400 feet from the State Route (SR) 53. The proposed roundabout will have multi-lane entries on all approaches and four 10-foot shared uses pathways and crosswalks for pedestrians and bicycles. This high growth area has a number of businesses with only one access in and out. This has created a “funnel effect” for traffic that is adjacent to a signalized intersection at SR 53. This project will help to relieve congestion on Dam Road and SR 53 and help reduce the number of accidents in the area. Funding for pre-construction activities are programmed in the STIP and project development is expected to begin in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.

Hartley Street Safe Route to School Project
This project is located on Hartley Street, in the City of Lakeport, between 20th Street and the northern city limits. The project is approximately 0.4 miles long and will enhance the safety of students walking to and from school by installing sidewalks, curbs, and gutters along Hartley Street, a rural road with steep vertical and horizonal curves, limited sight distance, and steep drop-offs. Constructing these improvements on Hartley Road will establish a direct access to school that does not require pedestrian travel on either an arterial or minor arterial street; provide a through north-south connection to the grid system of streets to the south; and create an expectation for drivers that school children may be present. The Lake APC was successful in acquiring funding for this project in Cycle 3 of the Active Transportation Program.