Lake APC is in the process of updating the Regional Transportation Plan/Active Transportation Plan for the Lake County region.
The purpose of the plans is to identify needs and priority projects over the next 20 years for all modes of transportation including streets and roads, highways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and public transit.
We want your input! Please fill out our brief survey to let us know your transportation needs and priorities in the region, and become eligible to win a $25 Amazon gift card. In addition, feel free to use our interactive mapping tool in which you can provide specific details and comments on a map of the region by zooming into specific locations within your community or area of interest.
Click the link to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LakeRTP2026
Click the link to add your priorities to the map: https://greendotmaps.com/lake-county-rtp-atp-2026
Check back for periodic updates to this page for more information or future opportunities to make your voice heard. For additional questions or comments, email Senior Transportation Planner John Speka at [email protected]